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On Sunday August 25th, we saw the "possible" final Sunday Service (for the foreseeable future) at St. Stephen's. We were joined by the parish of St. Christopher's to worship with Reverend Jonathan Pinkney presiding. The joy of seeing an almost full sanctuary was tempered with the sadness in knowing this might be the last regular Sunday Worship for St. Stephen's. 

After the service, Tom Gunn our Rector's Warden, made a few announcements and to say that we will start a Wednesday Worship followed by the regular Rectors's Coffee Hour. Both St. Stephen's and St. Christopher's are welcome to worship on Wednesdays sarting September 11th at 10am.

St. Stephen's warmly welcomed St. Christopher's with a catered lunch of sandwiches, fruit and desserts. Everyone was laughing and chatting; packed into the Pavilion room.  Many thanks must go to Jan Harvey who spent hours prepping the Pavillion room set up and table scapes,  Margaret Rolfe for coordinating the catering and Grace Fung for the floral arrangements.

A cheerful meet and greet for two parishes that will worship as one.