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After the Sunday Service, Tom Gunn, the Rector's Warden read letters from The Right Rev John R. Stephens to the People of St. Stephen's Church, noting Rev Ken Vinal's last service and a personal note from Reverend Jonathan Pinkney of St. Christopher's Church to our parish.  With his own heartfelt message and thanks, Tom Gunn handed Rev Ken Vinal the Parish Purse. 

Rev. Ken Vinal made a very touching speech thanking the Parish for making it possible for him to be who he is fully and openly amongst a group of Christians and to experience the love of God from you all. He could not put a price on that.  While he is unsure what the future holds, he said.....

"If this happens to be the last time I serve as a priest in God's church, what a glorious, glorious place to do it at, and what a beautiful group of people to share in this ministry with... and I thank you.. I thank you, I thank you".  (the author unabashedly admits to tearing up at this point)


Sunday's Farewell Luncheon for Ken and Anton (and little Theo too) was a great success. 

Many thanks to Margaret Rolfe for generously hosting and preparing the light but delicious lunch of poached salmon and salads. Thank you also to Val Barret and Jan Harvey for the cake, ice cream, fruit and macarons. Carol Lloyd provided the buttered rolls and Trish Schonbrun brought the lemonade. Thank you to all the volunteers Jane Ruddick, Sheila Perret and Owen Wright for their hard work of prepping and cleaning up.  A few songs were sung with Peter Vanderhorst on piano. "Danny Boy"  was sung with the words changed to "Ken and Anton" (see photo).

Songs were sung, cake was eaten and a few tears were shed.  

We will miss you Ken and Anton...